Tilt 1.1
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Text File
185 lines
-- card: 6707 from stack: in.1
-- bmap block id: 0
-- flags: 0000
-- background id: 4104
-- name: WinOrLose
----- HyperTalk script -----
on openCard
global oppThudScore
global turn
global oppCrestScore
global yourCrestScore
global oppGoneFlag
global youGoneFlag
global youGoThud
global oppGoesThud
global oppLanceWin
global youLanceWin
global youFinalVictory
global oppFinalVictory
global horseTie
global lanceTie
global endIt
If youGoThud = 1 and oppGoesThud = 1 then
put 1 into horseTie
put 0 into oppGoesThud
put 0 into youGoThud
end if
if youLanceWin = 1 and oppLanceWin = 1 then
put 1 into lanceTie
put 0 into youLanceWin
put 0 into oppLanceWin
end if
If youGoneFlag = 1 then
put " YOU HIT A HORSE?!" into line 3 of field 1
put "The judges believe that to be"into line 5 of field 1
put " the worst foul a knight" into line 6 of field 1
put " can commit! Sorry, but they" into line 7 of field 1
put "are sending you Home in disgrace." into line 8 of field 1
put 1 into endIt
end if
If oppGoneFlag = 1 then
put " YOUR OPPONENT HIT HORSE!" into line 3 of field 1
put " The judges award you victory" into line 5 of field 1
put " over the dishonorable knight!" into line 6 of field 1
put " Because you are a gallant" into line 7 of field 1
put " knight you ask the judges" into line 8 of field 1
put " not to send your rival" into line 9 of field 1
put " home in disgrace!" into line 10 of field 1
add 1 to youFinalVictory
end if
If oppGoesThud = 1 and oppGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoneFlag <> 1 and horseTie <> 1 then
put " YOUR RIVAL HAS FALLEN!" into line 3 of field 1
put "The judges score you a win in" into line 5 of field 1
put "this round and look upon you" into line 6 of field 1
put "with great honor and worship." into line 7 of field 1
add 1 to youFinalVictory
end if
If youGoThud = 1 and oppGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoneFlag <> 1 and horseTie <> 1 then
put " YOU HAVE BEEN UNHORSED!" into line 3 of field 1
put "Your shameful face is as red" into line 5 of field 1
put "as those nether regions which" into line 6 of field 1
put "your plate thankfully covers." into line 7 of field 1
add 1 to oppFinalVictory
end if
If horseTie = 1 and oppGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoneFlag <> 1 then
put "YOU HAVE UNHORSED EACH" into line 3 of field 1
put " OTHER!" into line 4 of field 1
put "Thus ends this passage d'armes" into line 5 of field 1
put "but recall that crests and" into line 6 of field 1
put "unhorsings as well as lances" into line 7 of field 1
put "decide the Tournament winner." into line 8 of field 1
add 1 to youFinalVictory
add 1 to oppFinalVictory
end if
if youLanceWin = 1 and lanceTie <> 1 and horseTie<> 1 and oppGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoThud <> 1 and oppGoesThud <> 1 then
put " YOU HAVE BROKEN " into line 2 of field 1
put " THREE LANCES!" into line 3 of field 1
put " Your three broken lances" into line 5 of field 1
put " give you a point for" into line 6 of field 1
put " this round! But judges" into line 7 of field 1
put " remind you that unhorsings" into line 8 of field 1
put "and crests are higher points" into line 9 of field 1
put " for judging final victory." into line 10 of field 1
add 1 to youFinalVictory
end if
if oppLanceWin = 1 and lanceTie <> 1 and horseTie <> 1 and oppGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoThud <> 1 and oppGoesThud <> 1 then
put " YOUR RIVAL BREAKS" into line 2 of field 1
put " THREE LANCES!" into line 3 of field 1
put " His three lances broken in" into line 5 of field 1
put " this passage d'armes give your" into line 6 of field 1
put "opponent a point! But the judges" into line 7 of field 1
put " remind all that unhorsings and" into line 8 of field 1
put " crests are higher points for" into line 9 of field 1
put " judging final victory!" into line 10 of field 1
add 1 to oppFinalVictory
end if
If lanceTie = 1 and oppGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoneFlag <> 1 and youGoThud <> 1 and oppGoesThud <> 1 and horseTie <> 1 then
put " YOU HAVE EACH" into line 3 of field 1
put " BROKEN 3 LANCES!" into line 4 of field 1
put "Thus each receive their point" into line 5 of field 1
put " but recall that crests and" into line 6 of field 1
put "unhorsings as well as lances" into line 7 of field 1
put "decide the Tournament winner." into line 8 of field 1
add 1 to oppFinalVictory
add 1 to youFinalVictory
end if
end openCard
-- part 3 (button)
-- low flags: 80
-- high flags: A003
-- rect: left=0 top=19 right=41 bottom=100
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Quit
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
doMenu "Quit Hypercard"
end mouseUp
-- part 6 (button)
-- low flags: 80
-- high flags: A003
-- rect: left=0 top=41 right=63 bottom=100
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: New Tourney
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
-- part 5 (button)
-- low flags: 80
-- high flags: 0001
-- rect: left=380 top=10 right=54 bottom=508
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: New Button
-- part contents for background part 2
----- text -----